
  • butcher
    • at the buchers (shop) 在肉店
    • where are you?
    • I’m at the buchers.
  • meat
    • cook; wash
    • Can you wash these meat, please?
    • I am going to cook some meat for you.
  • beef
    • like; want
    • Do you like beef?
    • I like beef, but I don’t wang any beef now.
  • lamb
    • eat;
    • what do lamb eat?
    • I don’t drink sheep milk.
  • pork
    • cook; eat; like; want
    • Can you cook pork?
    • Do you wang any pork?
  • husband.
    • This is my husband
  • steak 牛排
    • How do you like your steak?
    • rare 三分熟; medium; well-done
  • mince 肉馅
    • Can you give me some mince, please.
  • chicken
    • I’m going to cook some chicken
    • Do you want some?
  • tell
    • You can tell me.
  • truth
    • tell me the truth
  • either 否定的也
  • too 肯定的也


  • 一般现在时:肯定

    • I want this job.
    • I love Beijing.
    • I like tea.
    • He wants this job.
    • Does 表强调
    • He does want this job.
    • He loves Beijing.
    • She likes tea, too.
    • They want some money.
    • 用了does,动词就用原形
  • 注意区分名词单复数和一般现在时动词单复数

    • 名词单复数,指的是名词后加s
    • 动词单复数指的是在一般现在时这个时态下,主语是第三人称单数时,动词加s
  • 规律

    • v. + s
      • v + s
      • likes; wants;
      • He likes coffee.
    • s x ch sh o 结尾的v.加es
      • watches; goes; washes; does;
      • He washes dishes every day.
    • 辅音字母 + y结尾,变y为i + es
      • cry - cries; fry - fries
      • The baby cries every night.
    • 元音字母 + y结尾,直接加s
      • buy - buys; say - says / sez /
      • He buys a new phone every year.
  • 一般现在时: 否定

    • He wants this job
    • He doesn’t want this job.
    • She likes tea.
    • She doesn’t like tea.
    • She washes the dishes every day.
    • She doesn’t wash the dishes every day.
    • The baby cries every night.
    • The baby doesn’t cry every night.
  • 一般现在时,一般疑问句

    • He wants this job.
    • Does he want this job?
    • She washes the dishes every day.
    • Does she wash the dishes every day?
    • The baby cries every night.
    • Does the baby cry every night.
    • He buys a new phone every year.
    • Does he buy a new phone ever year?