
  • 肯定句:主 + can + do(动词原形)
    • Dog can swim in the water.
    • Cat can climb the wall.
  • 否定句:主 + can + not + do (动词原形)
    • cannot = can not = can’t
    • cat can’t read a book.
    • Elephant can’t jump.
    • Pig can’t look at the sky.
  • 一般疑问句:Can(提句首) + 主 + do(动词原形)
    • Can you help me?
    • Yes, I can / No, I can’t
    • Can the dog swim?
    • Yes, it can
    • Can kiwi fly?
    • No, it can’t
  • 特殊疑问句: What + can + 主 + do
    • What can the bird do?
      • It can dance.
    • What can the cat do?
      • It can climb a tree.
    • What can the grasshopper do?
      • It can jump.
      • It can fly.


  • of course 没问题

  • kettle

    • n.烧水壶
    • He is wash the kettle
    • Is he washing the kettle?
    • Can he wash the kettle?
    • What is she going to do with that kettle?
    • She is going to give to leo.
  • behind

    • prop. 在…的后面
    • in front of
    • where is he?
    • He is standing behind the tree.
  • teapot

    • n. 茶壶
    • What is she doing?
    • She is cleaning the teapot.
    • Can you clean the teapot?
  • now

    • what are the doing now?
    • The are dancing.
  • find

    • v. 找到, 强调结果
    • Can you see the bird?
    • I can’t find it.
    • Can you find a job?
    • I can’t find a job.
  • boil

    • v. 沸腾
    • The water is boiling?
    • Is the water boiling?
  • Practice

    • chicken
      • What can a chicken do?
      • It can run in a yard.
      • Can it run in a yard?
      • Yes, it can.
    • Dog
      • The dog can bite a bone.
      • Can the dog bite a bone.
      • What can a dog do?
      • Can dog not bite a bone?
    • fish
      • What can the fish do?
      • The fish can swim in the water.
      • Can the fish wsim in the water?
      • Yes, it can