
  • 可数名词 cn
    • There is a pen on the table.
    • There are some pens on the table.
  • 不可数名词 un
    • There is a piece of cheese on the table.
    • There is some cheese on the table. (这里cheese不能也没法变复数, 并且要用is)
  • 如何判断可数与否
    1. 液体milk / 气体 air
    2. 组成过小 sand / grass / hair
    3. 总称 food / fruit / money
    4. 同一个单词,含义不同


  • bread
    • a piece of bread
    • a loaf of bread 一条面包,基本上只和面包连用
  • soap
    • a bar of soap
  • chocolate
    • a bar of chocolate
  • sugar
    • a pound of sugar
  • coffee
    • take me some coffee
    • a cup of coffee
  • tea
    • a cup of tea
    • half a pound of tea
    • half pound 半磅
  • tobacco 烟丝
    • a tin of tobacco
    • a pound of tobacco
    • some tobacco