
  • homework
    • do my homework
    • what is the doing?
    • he is doing his homework.
  • listen
    • listen to the stereo/music
    • What are you doing?
    • They are listening to music
  • dish-dishes
    • 单数表示碗
    • 复数表示锅、碗瓢、盆统称
    • Where is the dish?
    • give me a dish, please
    • There is a dish on the table.
    • He is going to wash the dishes.
    • Is he going to wash the dishes?
    • Who is going to wash the dishes?


  • I’m setting on the chair.
    • Are you setting on the chair?
    • Are you not setting on the chair?
    • what are you doing?
    • where are you setting?
  • I’m eating noodles.
    • Are you eating noodles?
    • Are you not eating noodles?
    • what are you eating?
  • She’s playing with her iphone.
    • Is she playing with her iphone?
    • Is she not playing with her iphone?
    • What is she doing?